‘Pursuit of Happiness’ is an independent film production with various stories from different perspectives. Refugees and undocumented people tell us their motives and ambitions to immigrate to the West. Do they have dreams or goals?
A worldwide challenge for the people themselves, the local population and politics. ‘Pursuit of Happiness’ is not only suitable for international (documentary) film festivals and TV-channels, bust also debate that focus on human rights, refugees and migration issues. In the following ways you can be informed about the developments surrounding this film. Through the social media we want to share the situation of refugees and undocumented migrants in Turkey and Greece.
“After 20 years, an ex-refugee returns to his original escape route: Istanbul and Athens. Along the way, he visits the neighborhoods where refugees and undocumented people live, hoping to make contact. He wants to see their reality. During his journey he speaks with a number of refugees, NGO’s and locals.”
On LinkedIn is a group formed, called ‘Pursuit of Happiness’. We want to rise up the debate around immigration to the West, with all its consequences. Here we invite you also to join this group.
‘Pursuit of Happiness’ is a production of me & society in association with HQ Productions.
© June 2012 Me & Society

Producer, director & scenario
Mahmoud Chavoushi
Assistant producer, director & scenario
Naoufal Bouchrit
Rosh Abdelfatah, Abdelkarim Seghau, Naoufal Bouchrit
Montage & editing
Jorrit Spoelstra, Mahmoud Chavoushi, Naoufal Bouchrit
Text voice over
Muel van Bunge, Naoufal Bouchrit, Mahmoud Chavoushi
Voice Over
Armin Tashakoor
‘Fariba’ & ‘Fariba Waltz’
Inspired by ‘Fariba’
Composed by Faramarz Payvar
Arranged by: Yaşar Saka
Santor: Mohsen Chatrouz
Bouzouki: Dimitris Kokkinogenis
Lavta: Yaşar Saka
Contrabas: Simon Wienke
‘Taksimi Hijaz’
Improvisation by: Dimitris Kokkinogenis & Ya?ar Saka
Bouzouki: Dimitris Kokkinogenis
Lavta: Yaşar Saka
Santor: Mohsen Chatrouz
Music Supervision
Simon Wienke
Sound, enhancement & recording
Yay Music & Media Productions
Abdelkarim Seghau, Mahmoud Chavoushi, Marina Rota, Naoufal Bouchrit, Pede Saya
Desk research
Abdelkarim Seghau, Mahmoud Chavoushi, Marina Rota, Naoufal Bouchrit
Abdelkarim Seghau, Naoufal Bouchrit
Marketing & promotions
Abdelkarim Seghau, Marie Bieckmann, Marina Rota
Color editing
Hüseyin Kizilca
Mehdi Zadnane
Einion Translation and Subtitling
Let's Debate Refugees
Vanwege het immigratieprobleem in Europa was er op vrijdag 4 april een debat over het Europese asiel- en (im)migratiebeleid. Dit debat werd gehouden aan de hand van de documentaire ‘Pursuit of Happiness’ van St. Me & Society, in het Huis van Europa, een straatje van het Binnenhof vandaan. Voorstanders, tegenstanders, de politiek, wetenschappers, instanties en studenten waren hierbij aanwezig.
Lees het verslag van het debat hier.